
Case Study: SA Group


SA Group, a prominent business management company, approached our creative and animation agency seeking a complete overhaul of their management application. The company aimed to centralize all data and operations into a single, streamlined platform to enhance operational efficiency and user experience.


SA Group faced several challenges with their existing management application. The main issues were:

  • Fragmented Data: Data was scattered across multiple platforms, leading to inefficiencies and difficulties in accessing and managing information.
  • Outdated UI/UX: The application had an outdated user interface and poor user experience, which resulted in low user engagement and increased training time for new employees.
  • Complex Navigation: The navigation within the application was confusing, making it hard for users to find essential features and functions quickly.

SA Group needed a solution that would centralize their operations, modernize the interface, and improve overall user experience to increase productivity and user satisfaction.


Our agency undertook a comprehensive redesign of SA Group’s management application with the following approach:

  1. User Research and Analysis:
    • Conducted in-depth user research to understand the needs, pain points, and preferences of SA Group’s employees.
    • Created user personas and journey maps to guide the design process.
  2. UI/UX Redesign:
    • Developed a modern, intuitive user interface with a clean, visually appealing design.
    • Implemented a user-friendly navigation system to streamline access to features and data.
    • Designed interactive elements and dashboards that provided a clear overview of key metrics and operations.
  3. Prototyping and Testing:
    • Created interactive prototypes to visualize the new design and gather feedback from users.
    • Conducted usability testing to refine the interface and ensure it met user needs and expectations.
  4. Implementation and Training:
    • Worked closely with SA Group’s development team to ensure the successful implementation of the new design.
    • Provided training and support to help users transition to the new interface smoothly.


The redesigned management application achieved significant improvements for SA Group:

  • Enhanced Efficiency: Centralization of data and streamlined navigation led to a 30% increase in operational efficiency.
  • Improved User Engagement: The modern interface and user-friendly design resulted in a 50% increase in user engagement and satisfaction.
  • Reduced Training Time: Simplified navigation and intuitive design reduced training time for new employees by 40%.


Our partnership with [Agency Name] was a game-changer for our management application. The new design has transformed how we operate, making our processes more efficient and user-friendly. We’ve seen a marked improvement in user engagement and overall productivity. The team’s creativity and attention to detail truly made a difference for us.”


The successful redesign of SA Group’s management application not only addressed their initial challenges but also exceeded their expectations in terms of usability and functionality. The improved application has had a lasting positive impact on their operations, and we continue to explore opportunities for future collaborations to enhance their technological capabilities further.