


EngroFoods, a leading name in the agricultural and food industry, approached our creative and animation agency with a significant project. They were preparing to launch a new product line focused on pesticides and required a robust and cohesive design strategy that would resonate with their target audience while setting their brand apart in a competitive market.


EngroFoods faced the challenge of creating a distinct and impactful brand identity for their new pesticide product line. With the agricultural sector being highly competitive, they needed a design strategy that would not only capture attention but also clearly communicate the product’s benefits and reliability to farmers and distributors. The key challenges included developing a brand identity that conveyed trust, effectiveness, and innovation while ensuring the design system was flexible enough to be used across various marketing platforms.


Our agency developed a comprehensive design strategy tailored to EngroFoods’ specific needs. We began by conducting in-depth research into the agricultural market, understanding the target audience, and identifying key visual trends. Based on our findings, we created a strategic design system that included:

  • Brand Identity Development: We crafted a unique logo and color palette that embodied the product’s strength and reliability. The logo design was inspired by natural elements, subtly hinting at the product’s purpose while maintaining a modern and clean aesthetic.
  • Packaging Design: The packaging was designed to stand out on shelves, using bold colors and clear typography that made product information easily accessible. We ensured that the design was both visually appealing and practical, considering the harsh conditions in which these products would be stored and used.
  • Marketing Collateral: We extended the design system across various marketing materials, including brochures, banners, and digital assets. The consistency in design helped build a strong and recognizable brand presence across all channels.
  • Animation and Visual Content: To further enhance engagement, we developed animated explainer videos that highlighted the product’s features and benefits. These animations were used in both online campaigns and point-of-sale displays, making complex information easily digestible for the target audience.


The new design strategy led to a successful product launch for EngroFoods. The brand identity we developed received positive feedback from both internal stakeholders and the target market. Key results included:

  • Increased Brand Recognition: The cohesive design system ensured that the new product line was easily identifiable, leading to a 35% increase in brand recall among the target audience.
  • Enhanced Market Penetration: The strategic packaging design contributed to a 40% increase in initial product orders from distributors, surpassing EngroFoods’ expectations.
  • Improved Customer Engagement: The animated explainer videos significantly boosted online engagement, with a 50% increase in social media interactions and a 25% increase in website traffic.


“Working with this creative and animation agency was a game-changer for our new product line. Their ability to understand our vision and translate it into a powerful design strategy exceeded our expectations. The results speak for themselves—our brand has never been stronger.”


The partnership between our agency and EngroFoods resulted in a highly successful product launch, with the new design strategy playing a crucial role in driving market acceptance and brand recognition. This project not only strengthened EngroFoods’ position in the agricultural sector but also laid the foundation for future collaborations. We look forward to continuing our work with EngroFoods on their upcoming projects, helping them achieve even greater success.